I started this community because for my whole life I felt like I did not belong and no matter how hard I tried I could not connect and did not feel supported.
I have since spent many years collecting tools and gaining wisdom to connecting back to my authentic self while training with teachers and Shaman’s to accept myself and what I am here to do on this earth.
I want nothing more than to support you through this as well, but also give you a place to connect with others as well.
I hope this community provides a warm safe haven to feel into all that you are and love yourself deeply.
This is a place to connect to yourself deeply and meet others in a warm and safe space.
Rituals and tools to help you along the way and most of all an energetic circle that cradles your heart while your soul awakens.
Thank you for joining and sharing your beautiful soul with all of us. I appreciate each and every one of you immensely.